Houdini 20.0 Nodes Geometry nodes

Labs Gaea Tor Processor 2.0 geometry node

“”“ The Gaea Tor Processor allows you to load up build .TOR files made in Gaea ”“” The Gaea Tor Processor can load up .TOR files made in Gaea and dynamically create the required parameter interface for you. To set up a compatible .TOR file, check out this Link


Gaea Automation File

This is where you specify where your .TOR file is located on disk.

Reset Parameters

Pressing this button will reset your parameter interface and its values to what is specified in the .TOR file.


Cooks the Gaea file.

Auto Cook

Allows for automatic cooking on parameter and upstream changes.


Extra Data

Allows you to specify any additional data to be encoded in the temp files. Useful for PDG or Foreach-Loop Iteration numbers. Otherwise the tool will overwrite its own data.

Cache Dir

The Cache directory used for the generated data. Deleting this directory will remove all cooked data.

Hide Gaea Dialog

Disables the popup window showing Gaea progress.

Geometry nodes